Originally from Minnesota, John Frey fell in love with Sun Valley on his first ski trip to the area in 1995, and it’s been home since 2009. A car guy from birth, his first car was a ‘72 Mercury Capri V6 and there have been countless cars since then, but his true love has always been the Porsche 911. A Ketchum business owner, a veteran of every Tour de Force event and a member of the 200 MPH Club, the weekend events combine his passion for friends, cars and philanthropy. John is honored to serve on the Tour de Force Board of Directors as an advocate for a fun and safe event that maximizes the financial return to the needs of the local community. He is a new owner of a McLaren Artura and will be driving the Artura and his Porsche 911 Reimagined by Singer Turbo Study – the Phantom Hill Commission at this year’s event.