Media Coverage
Sun Valley Tour de Force Donates to Eleven Nonprofits
Sun Valley Tour de Force has donated $450,000 to regional nonprofits, including foodbanks in Fairfield, Gooding and Shoshone and organizations in Stanley, where the economy was gravely affected by the Bench Lake and Wapiti Fire.
Supercars, time trials to return to valley
Idaho Mountain Express
Tour de Force donates $25,000 to nonprofit for first responder mental health
Idaho Mountain Express
The SVTdF provides the location for chasing a largely pointless and enormously gratifying number.
Road & Track
Sun Valley Tour de Force Raises a Million Bucks for The Hunger Coalition
Eye on Sun Valley
Supercars Tear Up A Public Highway With No Speed Limit | Sun Valley Tour De Force 2023
McLaren 750S Joins The 200 MPH Club
I Went 200 MPH* In A McLaren On A Public Road – Legally
Sun Valley Tour de Force breaks donation record to The Hunger Coalition
McLaren the Car to Beat in This Years Sun Valley Tour de Force
Eye on Sun Valley
McLaren 750S Hits 204 MPH To Celebrate North American Debut
WATCH: McLaren 750S Hits 204 MPH On Public Roads During US Debut